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The Big Chunk

The Big Chunk

It's always thrilling to be given a big chunk - whether it's chocolate, motor car, or money. I would be out of my depth with all three, but I figure I could cope better with a...
on May 05, 2019
A Stunning Shape From Sigma

A Stunning Shape From Sigma

I frequently pass by the Sigma racks in the storeroom but foolishly never stop to pluck something from the shelves. My fault, because I am missing some of the most intriguing lenses in the place. The...
on April 30, 2019
Coming To Grips With Canon

Coming To Grips With Canon

This week I finally come to grips with the new Canon EOS R camera system - or at least with one example of it. Enough stock has arrived to allow me to take one back to...
on November 25, 2018
One Lens Per Year - Part Three - Light At the End Of The Tunnel

One Lens Per Year - Part Three - Light At the End Of The Tunnel

Now that you have returned to consciousness, or back from the pub, you can begin to look at the coming year with a bit more equanimity. I want you to cast your mind back to the...
on December 18, 2017
The Fighter-Bomber

The Fighter-Bomber

What do you do if you have to cope with targets both on the ground and in the air? Leaving aside the suggestion of a Flak 88 and a set of ear plugs, we come to...
on September 05, 2017
Sony A9 - The Tallest Tough Sony Yet*

Sony A9 - The Tallest Tough Sony Yet*

The advent of the first of the Sony new cameras a few years ago - the Alpha series - was quite a revelation for the shop. Sony Australia put on a comprehensive demonstration of the performance...
on May 28, 2017


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