zoom lens

Fulfilled, Motivated, And Energised

Fulfilled, Motivated, And Energised

If you ever want to feel as if the unbounded springs of life are about to burst inside of you, I suggest that you try not to attempt it on the roads on Sunday morning. At...
on June 12, 2017
The Big T - My, Oh Yes...

The Big T - My, Oh Yes...

Big T, Little A and an M, R, O, and an N. It's not Texas but don't tell anyone...I would never have made it in Tin Pan Alley... But on we go. Do you have a...
on May 15, 2017
A Familiar Face - Olympus Micro 4/3 Mirrorless Combination

A Familiar Face - Olympus Micro 4/3 Mirrorless Combination

Note to readers: You got a surprise yesterday if you were reading this column..the first of an Olympus series was published on Sunday. This is because the writer was adjusting the flux capacitor on his 1:18th...
on May 06, 2017

One Of The Dishes On The Buffet - Tokina

When we get a big-name camera we sometimes get a big name complex...and we cannot see beyond that name.Members of camera clubs throughout the state are familiar with this as discussions of Nikon versus Canon versus...
on February 27, 2017

The Long Lens Inside - The Saga Of The Fujifilm Continues

If you read most of the photographic press that deals with interchangeable lenses for DSLR and mirror-less cameras you'll see much the same recommendations about choices. It's not conspiracy - it's sensible agreement. Being photographers we...
on January 23, 2017

The Travel Trail - Part Three - You're Going To Like A Panasonic Camera...

This is the camera that I would travel with...if I were travelling with a Panasonic camera. That's a personal value judgement and you're entitled to ask why - and then to make up your own mind....
on October 19, 2016


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

