Go Away With Adam Monk...And Come Back Again

on January 28, 2015

What do Cambodia, Bhutan, and Iceland have in common - apart from really bad songs in the Eurovision Song Contest? They have Adam Monk.

Well, they have him, and a dedicated band of photography tourists taking an insanely large number of images as they tour the various areas. All under the aegis of Adam who can make sure that they do not go wrong - and that the images they bring back will have a proper professional quality.

Photo tours are not a new thing - Francis Frith was taking pictures in Egypt in the middle of the 19th century, and photojournalists are always going somewhere and trying to get to the center of a riot ...without being beaten up.

Fortunately, we can assure you that no-one gets beaten up on an Adam Monk tour. Cold and hot, yes...wet, yes...bug-bitten,yes, but that's about as far as it goes. And the places you go and the sights you see are ample compensation - you get to do the photos you always dreamed of with the sort of professional help that you've always needed.

The Cambodia tour is in July.

Iceland in August.

And Bhutan in November.

Contact Adam on am@adammonk.com and discuss which one you'd like to go on. Or go on all three and fill your hard drive.
