Mysteries Resolved In A Flash - At Shoot Photography Workshops

on July 07, 2014

Do you know what a snoot is? Or a beauty dish? Or a reverse tea towel?

Well here's your chance to find out the basics of studio lighting. Instead of being a hazy, fuzzy, indistinct body of information, it will become razor-sharp.

Anthony Wilson will be conducting you through the maze of the studio on the 12th and 13th of July. He'll be running the Introduction To Studio Lighting course at Shoot Photography Workshops. You'll find out how to control the studio flashes and flatter your model indoors or out.

It's a revelation to many "natural light " photographers when they discover how natural the studio light can be...when you know how to mimic nature. As you may be in a better position to control some aspects of your shoot, you might be much more successful. Now is the time to find out how.

Get in touch with Shoot at 232 Stirling Street on 9228-8232 or catch Jonathon Cousins on 0419-956-878. You can get in contact on-line at:

Please note that the reverse tea towel and the big sheet of cardboard + sticky tape are specialized techniques, as are the electro-strobo-stryofoam cup and the ping pong -ball-sun. You might be better starting with the conventional stuff like soft boxes and reflectors, but keep them in mind for the future...
