Plug A Into B

on March 14, 2024

Or not, as the case may be.


I have looked at the side of my cameras - under the little flaps - and counted the sockets set there to connect cables. 7 different complex holes between 4 cameras.


I have looked at the studio pegboard and counted the connection cables. I think they are breeding in the darkness - there are more than I remember.


And I remember religious teaching that spoke of a number of plagues - but I can’t say whether or not that was a typo. perhaps they meant to write “ plugs “…


Well, we are so far into the digital and computer world that we cannot get back - we just have to go forward and do our best to have enough cables with the correct ends to deal with the devices. That is what attracted me to the accessory wall at Camera Electronic’s Stirling street store. it seems to promise some help in the connection wars.


I know that there are also any number of wireless connections possible, but I tried some for my cameras and found them iffier than the cables. Even the computer this is being typed on uses cable to the net rather than wireless link. You suit yourselves how you do yours.


Europe seems to promise some order with a new law requiring makers to use one particular connection on all devices. It remains to be seen whether they succeed in this or whether like the EEC there will be a future scandal with a “ Connector Lake “…In the meantime all the older devices are still fitted with a vast variety of complex electric holes.

Kinda makes you long for the old days when there were only two sorts of connector for cable releases…and you only had to be wrong 50% of the time. 




Text and Images By Richard Stein 
