35mm camera


Well, Hush My Mouth With Beseler

Yes, it's real.A Beseler Cadet II enlarger.Yes, it's new, sealed in the box. Yes, you can do 35mm enlargements in your darkroom with it. If you buy it from us we'll give you a free set...
on January 07, 2015

Bulk Is Back - Bounce In And Buy Big! Ilford!

Yay! After interminable questioning from the retro film enthusiasts, we how have good stocks of Ilford HP5 ( 400 ISO) and Ilford FP4 (125 ISO) bulk film.These are fresh 100ft. ( 30,5mtr) rolls of 35mm filmso...
on January 06, 2015

Retro Is As Retro Does...Are We There Yet, Leica?

I have long struggled with the word "retro" in modern culture - in particular when it is applied to photography. I think I am expected to know what it means, but at my age I can't...
on January 05, 2015

Dear Old Colour Slide Film - In Our Dear Old Fridge

If you are dedicated to 35mm photography and the classic days of the colour slide may we offer you the services of our film fridge?Currently I see Fujichrome film there in pro-packs. It is fresh, cold,...
on October 09, 2014

Still Very Much Alive

On my private Facebook page I sometimes read positive assertions from friends that they don't make film any more. Then I come to work and look at the fridge full of different varieties of fresh 135,...
on August 27, 2014

A Novel Idea From Germany

Here's a clever idea from a West German manufacturer - a digital-free camera.It allows people who do not have access to electricity to still take still pictures. You put a tin canister with a chemically-impregnated plastic...
on August 05, 2014


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