
22, 32, 45, 64...

22, 32, 45, 64...

Continue the number sequence yourself - if you are a former large-format photographer you will likely muse dreamily to 90 or 128...But do not expect the makers of lenses for your digital camera to follow. After...
on December 29, 2022
Aw, Now What...?

Aw, Now What...?

As a photo enthusiast who turns every dial and pushes every button on a camera - often inadvertently - I am keenly aware of the harm that I can do to my images. This becomes evident...
on May 18, 2021

A Tale Of Two Cities - And You're In One Of Them

This will be a far, far better thing than you have ever done before. And when you are done you can go to a far, far sweeter rest than you have ever known...Actually, you are going...
on November 02, 2015

Hold High The Multiple Standards, They Must Not Suffer Loss...

I am always amazed when I note that the manufacturers of regular flash-light batteries managed to make AAA, AA, C, and D cells and by and large the products of any particular maker are fairly similar...
on July 30, 2015

The Big Blue Blanket - A Day At the Races

Did goe to the drag races yesterday and was greatley entertained. The event was far too busy and far too many colourful cars were seen to be reported here - if you wish to see what...
on April 19, 2015

Experimental Weekend - A Note Of Caution

This has been a weekend of quiet experimentation in the dark room. Not the darkroom - chemical work was laid aside some years ago and has not been picked up. The dark room that used to...
on March 08, 2015


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