
And A Good Big Thank You To Isabelle

And A Good Big Thank You To Isabelle

This last month has been trying - the weblog dashboard would not open for business because of IT security mechanisms - and nothing was going to come out in the morning from CE. This might be...
on April 05, 2023
Comic Sans Gets You Laughed At

Comic Sans Gets You Laughed At

And generally not in a fun way - this type font seems to bring out the critic in every graphic designer. If you use it you are seen at best as a rank amateur and at...
on April 03, 2023
Marcus Bell - Wedding Photography

Marcus Bell - Wedding Photography

Pushing the Boundaries of Photography Marcus Bell is a name synonymous with awe-inspiring landscapes and storytelling through photography. He is a multi-award-winning and highly acclaimed photographer whose passion for grand landscapes and fearless originality has taken...
on March 17, 2023
Once Upon A Time...

Once Upon A Time...

There was Time. You spent it, saved it, and had either a good one or a bad one, depending upon your character and luck. If you were employed in the camera trade you might get some...
on February 28, 2023
Do People Really Buy After-Market Lenses Any More?

Do People Really Buy After-Market Lenses Any More?

You bet - and they never stopped doing so. The big names of the camera-body world are also big names of the camera lens world - according to themselves. And also according to lots of users...
on February 26, 2023
Big Head!

Big Head!

No, not you - the person standing next to you. What? There's no-one next to you? Awkward... The first thing that grabbed me about this Explorer was what they refer to as an extra-large ball head....
on February 23, 2023


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

