Fashion photography

I'm Glad I Listened to Stefan Gosatti

I'm Glad I Listened to Stefan Gosatti

Stefan spoke to a room full of enthusiasts at the PhotoLive 2019 about photographing fashion shows. It was the night before bash at the Novotel Langley and as well as the people models we had rescue...
on March 10, 2020
One Of These, Please....The Profoto B10

One Of These, Please....The Profoto B10

Okay, let's cut to the punchline straight away. I want one of these. If you are a photographer who shoots weddings, shows, portraits, fashion, or editorial, you want one - or two - as well. Stefan...
on September 13, 2018
The Secrets Of A Good Night Out

The Secrets Of A Good Night Out

Recipe for a good night out as cooked up by Camera Electronic. Perfect for a winter night. Ingredients: Talented people. Good food. Excellent drinks. Cozy urban atmosphere. Interesting art. Short speeches. Last night saw the Camera...
on August 15, 2017
Apples To Oranges - It Gets Juicy...

Apples To Oranges - It Gets Juicy...

Having been taken to task by a reader when he felt I had compared apples to oranges in a week’s posting on Sony cameras, I am going to be careful with this one - I wish...
on May 04, 2017
Hands Up Muybridge - I've Got A Fujifilm Repeater...

Hands Up Muybridge - I've Got A Fujifilm Repeater...

Idling away on the South Perth foreshore one evening, I was trying to think of a use for the Perth skyline. I mean, they've taken a lot of trouble putting lights on the buildings and all...
on April 23, 2017

The Big Camera For The Big Picture

Well, I saw it.There it was in the Fridays Studio last night - Monday as it happened - the new Hasselblad H6D camera in both 50 megapixel and 100 megapixel versions. And a table of Hasselblad...
on May 23, 2016


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

