

Save the Christmas Lunch Party With Fujifilm

I don't want to depress you, but Christmas lunch is coming. You will be required to bring a plate - with food in it. Apart from the beer fridge, and possibly the pudding, there will be...
on December 07, 2014

Calling All Girls - Fuji Instax In Stocks

Stop wincing. It's actually a charming little camera. If you've got daughters or grand-daughters they would love one. And Christmas is only 6 months away. And it's only 99 bucks!The Fujifilm Instax cameras produce a credit-card...
on July 14, 2014

The 15-Second Wonder From Fujifilm

If you are the owner of a Polaroid ID camera camera, or the Polaroid instant back that mounts to a Hasselblad, Mamiya, or Bronica camera, you can score a cost-price bargain right now.We have an embarrassment...
on June 15, 2014

Four Packs Of Fun - Polaroid Is Back

Edwin Land would be proud of the place - we have Polaroid instant cameras and film back in stock.Take a gander at the pack shots. You'll note that we can provide a new Polaroid 300 camera...
on April 09, 2014


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