Calling Lloyd Bridges

Calling Lloyd Bridges

People of a certain age...mine...will understand the title. I was rounding out my trip to Camera Electronic and Wanderlust in Murray Street and the inevitable rush of desire to own new lenses and accessories with a...
on January 26, 2023

Look For This Box. It Will Illuminate You...

And a lot of things around you - its a Joby Beamo - a portable LED light for the smaller camera. I do not own one, but I do own a portable LED light that sort...
on September 15, 2022
Slightly Out Of Sync

Slightly Out Of Sync

As we are all watching more screens these days with moving pictures that show people speaking, we are all familiar with the slightly out-of-sync presenter. They are generally heard slightly before or after their image is...
on February 15, 2022
Video Lights - Part Two

Video Lights - Part Two

I'll stop advertising for Bunnings and start to do it for us. You can't get plywood at Camera Electronic, but you can get lenses... The first light that attracted my eye turns out to be the...
on January 13, 2022
Truth In Packaging - Or Down The Rabbit Hole

Truth In Packaging - Or Down The Rabbit Hole

An aside: There is a chap in Canada - a gentleman from Quebec - who has made a practice lately of looking carefully at all the printed signs and official literature to see that it conforms...
on December 08, 2020
The Automatic White Imbalance

The Automatic White Imbalance

My colleagues at Camera Electronic called my attention to an LED ring light the other day that is fitted with a mount for your mobile phone and an adjustable slider to change the white balance of...
on September 20, 2020


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

