
Retro Finish Before It Was Retro

Retro Finish Before It Was Retro

My curiosity satisfied about the silver-coloured titanium body of the new Fujifilm X-Pro3 camera, I drifted up the stairs and through the hallway past the new storage cabinets - and was taken with the collection of...
on February 16, 2020
The Benser Case

The Benser Case

I sometimes scoff at the prices of premium-quality equipment in the camera shop because I am not selling the goods nor profiting from the sale. I decry the price lists that look like national debts and...
on February 04, 2020

" I'm Going On Holiday..."

" And I want the best camera for travel. My brother-in-law told me what to get and now I've come down and tell you... " Sigh. Another day in retail.* But perhaps all is not lost....
on January 12, 2020
I'll Be With You In Just ( Seven ) Instants

I'll Be With You In Just ( Seven ) Instants

We often show the instant cameras that are popular with analog photographers - Impossible Project ones or Leica ones or Fujifilm ones - we've even had Lomo instant cameras. But we rarely feature the most important...
on November 06, 2019


That's what we encountered last night when we went to the presentation by Craig Semetko at Camera Electronic's Stirling Street premises. Serendipity in many ways. Craig is here in Australia speaking to people on behalf of...
on October 28, 2019
Just Buy It.

Just Buy It.

Disregard the fact that we are selling it. If we had any sense we would keep it ourselves. Buy this Fujifilm Instax Mini 9. Take it home and put it on a trophy shelf - because...
on October 21, 2019


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

