

Here, Kitty, Kitty...

They say you can sell anything with cats and kittens. Well we're about to see if that's true. 'Cause we're going to sell foam rubber bags full of tigers.The actual products, apart from the Schleich tigers,...
on October 24, 2016

Bird Bothering The LensCoat Way

Perhaps that's the wrong way to put it - let's try again...Unobtrusive Wildlife Photography The Lenscoat WayLooks better. And really it is closer to what LensCoat are trying to achieve with their products.You've seen them before...
on February 08, 2016

The Camo Card And The Stealth Filter - Lens Coat

We had a training session on the Lens Coat range of goods today. I'm glad it was in the clinical surroundings of the laboratory - had it been held in the garden or bush, the products...
on June 15, 2015

LensCoat - Your Friend In The Jungle

Those of you who pursue wildlife with a camera - an indeed those of you who pursue wild life with a camera - will welcome the new line of accessories that have just been received in-store.LensCoat...
on February 18, 2013


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