

When To Use A Pro Lab - 350 Reasons

The new digital photographer can be forgiven for being confused by any number of aspects of the sport - there seem to be so many to learn.He or she used to be confronted only by which...
on June 05, 2016

Fine Art Paper - Pulp Friction Brought To Life

I realise that using the phrase fine art photography is a dangerous thing - it seems to be two adjectives chasing a noun. And in many cases unsuccessfully...But at least we can try.If you hope to...
on September 23, 2015

Lustre, Semigloss, and Smooth Pearl - The Paper Cuts

Okay, I can tell the difference between these if I look hard...but if the various manufacturers come out with new surfaces like Semi-Lustre, Semi-Semi-gloss, and To A Certain Extent Smoothish Sort Of Pearl I am going...
on August 12, 2015

Thick and Thirsty with Permajet

Before you write in to complain that I have singled you out for abuse, let me say that having a pint of beer is perfectly alright with me. 3 or 4 are fine. I find that...
on January 08, 2015

Permajet A4

There are 6 finished prints in the Permajet display folder here and you're welcome to come inspect them. You can scoff at the images themselves as they are taken from my own studio, but the printing...
on December 22, 2014

The Proof Of The Pudding With Permajet

My plan to scientifically test the new Permajet papers at home with the sample pack has fallen behind - the pressure of holiday preparations and the delivery of my new barn, railway siding, and grain elevator...
on December 21, 2014


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