remote control

The Little App That Couldn't

The Little App That Couldn't

Do you want to be frustrated and angry? There's an app for that... And I have it on my tablet. It is supposed to control my cameras from a remote location - letting you see what...
on November 06, 2022
Uncle Dick's Shut-In Corner - Number One

Uncle Dick's Shut-In Corner - Number One

In my case I am shut into a studio, scale model workshop, and comfortable library with a drinks cabinet. As long as the supplies hold out, I am fine. The plan to distill liquor from potato...
on March 29, 2020
Nikon - The Products Of Imagination In The Ring

Nikon - The Products Of Imagination In The Ring

Recently at the Camera Electronic Photo Live 2018 Friday night special event - the boxing spectacular - someone used their imagination in a rather dramatic fashion. Of course they had access to some of the most...
on August 01, 2018
The Tello Thing Or Two - Part Two

The Tello Thing Or Two - Part Two

Packed in the rather small package that contains the Ryze Tello drone are two interesting cards - folded advice slips from model aircraft associations in Australia and New Zealand - the Australian one is yellow and...
on May 06, 2018


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