

The Hanging Judge

Did goe to the Mandurah Camera Club laste night and was greatley entertained.Any club that meets in a bistro with a bar and snacks is doing it right. This was the Mandurah Bowling club - new...
on September 14, 2015

Let There Be Licht - Metz And Your Mobile Phone

I do not own a smart phone. Mine is a rather stupid one - it can summon the police or a pizza, but cannot take pictures of them as they arrive. I do not repine -...
on July 27, 2015

Keeping In Touch With Your Social Side - Samsung's Techno Marvel

Coming from an era when I took pictures, turned the roll of film into the chemist, waited a fortnight, then posted the resulting out-of-focus postcard print to my Auntie Minnie in Missoula...and it took another ten...
on March 23, 2015

Self Absorbed With Go Pro And Your Mobile Phone

Have you ever wanted to send a picture of yourself in a nightclub toilet to prove that you are having a good time...? Or a picture of yourself on a beach that isn't just City or...
on December 10, 2014

Step On This - Samigon And Fujifilm

In the dear old film days I used to take selfies. It was hard to do and took a lot of time to process and there was no internet. But you could nail them onto telephone...
on November 18, 2014

Hey Mum, Look At Me!

The business of the selfie has become big business for the digital age. Of course there have always been self-timers on cameras ever since shutters became mechanical rather than animal-powered*. But nowadays we can get many...
on August 14, 2013


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