tabletop photography

The Entry-Level Camera - Entry To Luxury

The Entry-Level Camera - Entry To Luxury

I opened the box of the Fujifilm X-A5 camera expecting something of a Po' Boy camera - an entry-level device that had been cut down to the bone to capture the cheaper Asian market. I could...
on March 04, 2018
Guilty As Charged, M'Lud

Guilty As Charged, M'Lud

" My client wishes to plead guilty to the charge of using camera equipment to do things that it was never intended for, M'Lud. He tenders images taken with the Nikon 1 camera in evidence. He...
on February 05, 2018
The Prairie Oyster

The Prairie Oyster

Before you ring up and complain, the title of the piece was chosen because I am going to try to use an underwater camera out on the Alberta plains - not a place known for fish,...
on February 04, 2018
Down On The Tabletop With the GFX 50S

Down On The Tabletop With the GFX 50S

This was the point I was dreading...the part where I did what I normally do in the studio with the new Fujifilm GFX 50S camera and tried to convince myself later that it was a good...
on October 18, 2017
Groan. More Toy Cars. But This Time With A New Camera. And A New Trick!

Groan. More Toy Cars. But This Time With A New Camera. And A New Trick!

The camera is an excuse to get out the toy cars and the toy cars are an excuse to get out the camera. It is probably the same with you - substituting landscapes or sports or...
on September 26, 2017
The Compact Camera Contest - Part 2

The Compact Camera Contest - Part 2

The whole idea of taking pictures of toy cars - or silverware, jewellery, football fields, etc. - for illustration is to show all of the subject in focus. And to show some part of the surroundings...
on August 14, 2017


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