

At The Risk Of Seeming Paranoid...

Have you ever seen the look on your face when you need to appear in a family photo and don't have a tripod to prop up your camera? What do you do? You pick the least...
on September 07, 2016

Space Invader

Bom. Bom. Bom. Bom. Bom...Well it's not that bad. I came upon this Pelican case in the shop today. It is the 1690 case and it is the biggest thing you have ever seen that was...
on September 05, 2016

Wrestling With An Octopus

I was put in mind of this analogy when photographing today's product for the column. It also had certain features of trying to hang out wet washing upside down or put a toddler back into a...
on April 25, 2016

The Tough Camera

Sorry about the header photo slipping into the body of the column. Typing this on an iPad, folks, and it doesn't behave like the iMac...The Olympus people will be happy with me for putting the word...
on January 20, 2016

Big Eye Olympus and Tough New Olympus

Two new Olympus bits, as you'll see from some of our other electronic posts: A telephoto lens and a new underwater camera.Here's the editorial take on them as gleaned from the press announcements:a. The 300mm f4...
on January 05, 2016

RemoVu Or Remove You? You Decide.

GoPro Hero 3+ and Hero 4 cameras live and work in many elements - air, water, and on earth certainly, and possibly even in fire for a very short period of time. In a lot of...
on December 25, 2015


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

